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Follow Those Feet!  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Ricci, Christine
Category: Level Reading-2  Fiction - Experience  Humorous 

Barcode: 88699196

ISBN: 9780689852398
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Ready-To-Read :  Ready to Read 是 Simon Spotlight 出版的、和 Nickelodeon、CGTV 等电视动画片密切配合的分级读物。这套书最显著的特点,就是和动画片紧密结合,Nickelodeon、CGTV 等播放的电视动画片,对应的分级读物都在这套书中,包括著名的海绵宝宝(SpongeBob Squarepants)、朵拉(Dora)、The Backyardigans(花园宝宝)、Go Diego Go!、Wonder Pets!、Go Gabba Gabba、Blue's Clues(蓝色斑点狗) 等动画片对应的绘本,所有的美国孩子都至少看过这些中的部分动画片,几乎每个美国孩子都对这些书津津乐道。另外,现在国内的卫星电视也可以看到 Nickelodeon 频道了。
Dora the Explorer :  朵拉探险系列,著名电视动画片,被认为迄今为止美国最成功的幼儿电视动画片,国内有引进的动画片以及双语书,而且卫星的卫星电视中 Nickelodeon 频道有此动画片。丰富有趣的知识、活泼好玩的游戏、乐于助人的朋友,整个系列很受孩子喜欢。Nickelodeon 频道也有本馆收藏的其他系列书的动画片:SpongeBob Squarepants、Yo Gabba Gabba、Go Diego Go!、Blue's Clues 等。

Overview / 简介:
Level 1: Starting to Read

• Simple stories
• Increased vocabulary
• Longer sentences

Dora and Boots found some footprints in the sandbox. Whose feet do they belong to? Follow them to find out!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My two daughters (ages 2 and 4) request this book be read--at least once a day. It's a typical Dora the Explorer book with Boots. It has big words and colorful pictures. The stories are simple and not too long. I think it's probably geared toward the preschool/beginning grade school set. Certain words have little "pictographs" with the word that it's for directly underneath it in smaller print. I suppose this is to help the child learn to read these certain words. Since my daughters are still pretty young (the oldest is now just learning the sounds different letters make; she already can recognize all the letters), we haven't really tried to use these little pictures in that way. Although, we've read this story so many times to them that they "read along" by reciting from memory certain parts of the story. All Dora the Explorer books are great fun for the kids because it involves them in the story much like the TV show does. I highly recommend it.

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且走且珍惜: 寻找真相     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/9/14 16:37:00
女儿快3周岁了,最近特别迷dora的碟片,相应的也很喜欢dora的书。这本书女儿就非常喜欢(可能跟她之前喜欢《阿秋和阿狐》也有关系),dora和boots在海滩上发现了脚印,到底是谁的呢?我跟女儿可以一问一答,我用英文问,女儿用中文回答:Did dora make the footprints?女儿就会说no,dora的脚印有一横一横的,而且dora的脚印比较小!那是大红公鸡的吗?女儿说no。我就说那你数数大红公鸡的脚趾有几个?女儿就会很认真地one,two,three。对了,那你的脚趾头有几个?女儿就又掰着她得脚趾头数!是捣蛋鬼的吗?女儿说no,捣蛋鬼总是轻手轻脚的,女儿还站起来演示了一把。。。女儿还很喜欢在海滩上看到的那些贝壳,最后终于找到真相,发现原来是benny弄的脚印。那benny这身打扮是要去干什么呀?女儿说是要去游泳!
3 顶.  
meijun2: 小侦探     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/5/8 6:49:00
1 顶.  
gaoqiru: 看了3遍就不愿意重复了     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/2/1 10:06:00
0 顶.  
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