Series / 所属系列: |
Max and Ruby
: 3岁的兔子弟弟调皮捣蛋,总是对兔子姐姐指手画脚,想法设法地给姐姐捣乱. 这个系列,是和 Maisy 一样,又一个遍布在美国、加拿大的电视节目、甚至在轮船的孩子玩耍区都在播放的系列片,适合的年龄段比 Maisy 系列更大一些。
Overview / 简介: |
Children will delight in reading three familiar fairy tales with Max and Ruby as the stars! This book is based on three charming Max & Ruby episodes: Little Red Ruby Hood, The Froggy Prince, and Max and the Beanstalk. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My daughter adores this book! It has wonderful illustrations and the re-telling of fairy tales using Max and Ruby is well done. |



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