Series / 所属系列: |
Max and Ruby
: 3岁的兔子弟弟调皮捣蛋,总是对兔子姐姐指手画脚,想法设法地给姐姐捣乱. 这个系列,是和 Maisy 一样,又一个遍布在美国、加拿大的电视节目、甚至在轮船的孩子玩耍区都在播放的系列片,适合的年龄段比 Maisy 系列更大一些。
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2—Max has always liked to do things his own way, and his search for marshmallow chicks is no exception. The Easter Bunny has hidden 10 pink chicks for the indomitable bunny and his sister to find, and the ways they go about their search illustrate their very different personalities. Ruby does a methodical, traditional search and finds the candy every place she looks. Max searches through the bath beads and the toothpaste tube, and finds none. The drawings of the search are boxed in the middle of a solid pastel-colored page. However, elements of some pictures (such as Max's unsuccessful search through the coffee can) spill out over the page. To assist with children's counting skills, there are large numbers on each page, as well as a visual count of the marshmallow chicks Ruby has discovered. As usual for Max, even though he has not discovered any of the confections (and Ruby has taken all of the chicks they were intended to share), things turn out just fine for him in the end. The fun of counting, along with the humor in the little rabbit's search strategies, will entertain listeners whether they find this book at Easter or in the counting section. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This is a fun book with bright, colorful illustrations. It also introduces some basic counting and has a good sense of humor. I was a little wary of this book because I think the Max and Ruby TV cartoon is awful, but the "book" version of these characters works just fine. |



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