Series / 所属系列: |
Junie B. Jones
: Junie B 上学前班了,遇到了各种各样的刚上学的孩子的烦恼,好朋友不理我去和别人玩了,坐校车时不挨着我坐了...... 就是一年级小豆包的那些事,这些大人不放在眼里但对小孩子却是天大的事情,让小豆包深有共鸣,读起来爱不释手,包括小安妮.
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
The fractious kindergartener of Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (p. 993) has a new baby brother her grandma calls ``the cutest little monkey!'' Junie hasn't seen him yet, but she has told the kids in her class that he's ``A REAL, ALIVE, BABY MONKEY,'' and she's taking bids from her ``bestest'' friends for the first look. So far she's got Lucille's locket, Grace's ring, Lucille's red sweater, Grace's hightops, and Lucille's red chair. But when Junie tries to turn in the extra snack tickets that she's also extorted, she finds herself in the principal's office. Kids who like literal- minded Amelia Bedelia's linguistic misadventures will probably enjoy Junie's. Occasional sophisticated words (``confiscate''; ``beauteous'') and Junie's nongrammatical speech may challenge new readers; if so, this may work best as a readaloud for Junie's contemporaries. Illustrations not seen. (Fiction. 6-8) |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
My daughter and I have read all of the Junie B. Jones books, and this is one of the best- funny and on-target from start to finish. When Junie B's parents tell her they have a suprise for her, she is disappointed to learn that it will be a new baby, and not a present. Things worsen when mom won't accept Junie B's suggestions for names ("Teeny" being one of them, since the baby will be so small).
But the trouble really begins when Junie B's grandma comes home from seeing the new arrival and refers to him as the "cutest little monkey" she's ever seen. Junie B takes this literally, and goes to school insisting that her new brother is really a monkey. Hilarity ensues- I couldn't stop laughing as my then first-grade daughter read it to me.
In addition to the abundant humor, the book also shows that it is a confusing world out there, and that grownups' behavior is frequently inexplicable. Young readers can identify with Junie B's efforts to navigate through the disappointments and challenges of family and school even as they are entertained by her.
This is a great choice for kids who are just making the switch to chapter books. The chapters are short enough so that new readers will not be overwhelmed, and there are plenty of excellent illustrations to help kids interpret the text, and to provide additional humor. |
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