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Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket  有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Park, Barbara
Category: Fiction - Experience  Humorous  Popular 

Barcode: 62045506

ISBN: 9780375800405
Pages: 68
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,First Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Junie B. Jones :  Junie B 上学前班了,遇到了各种各样的刚上学的孩子的烦恼,好朋友不理我去和别人玩了,坐校车时不挨着我坐了...... 就是一年级小豆包的那些事,这些大人不放在眼里但对小孩子却是天大的事情,让小豆包深有共鸣,读起来爱不释手,包括小安妮.

Overview / 简介:
The world's funniest kindergartner is back, in her 15th book!

It's almost the end of the school year, and Room Nine is taking a field trip to a farm! There's lots of fun farm stuff there. Like a real actual barn. And a real actual farmer. There's even real alive animals you can pet! Only, where's the gift shop? That's what Junie B. Jones would like to know. Surely no one would want Junie B. to go home empty-handed. . . .

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten is just about to let out for the summer, and room 9 is going on a field trip to a farm. All the children squeal with joy--all but Junie B. Jones. 'Cause guess what? Farms are not my favorites. Junie B. Jones, hilarious heroine of more than a dozen well-loved books, is mortally afraid of ponies. An imprudent babysitter once allowed her to watch a cable TV show called When Ponies Attack, so a trip to a farm seems like the ultimate in reckless endangerment. Never mind the roosters, which, according to her classmate, Meanie Jim, can peck your head to a nub. It takes some pretty fast talking by Junie's parents, teacher, and the farmer himself to get Junie to participate in the field trip, where she has a surprisingly good time. Until she bonds with Peep, a fluffy little chick, only to discover, to her horror, that Peep's destiny is to become a rooster. Award-winning author Barbara Park has joined with illustrator Denise Brunkus to create a charmingly outrageous character with a precocious yet childish voice that readers will never forget: "After that my heart got very poundy inside. 'Cause I heard the sound of footprints, that's why." Brunkus's comical drawings of Junie and her friends are the "bestest" ever. Don't miss any of the laugh-out-loud titles in the Junie B. Jones series. (Ages 5 to 8)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My daughter discovered the Junie B. Jones books sometime in the middle of her elementary grade years. She is now in 7th grade, and still eagerly awaits each new addition to the series. We have had the most fun sharing them together. Long after she didn't really feel the need for me to read to her at bedtime anymore, we still spent that precious time reading the newest book to each other whenever we brought one home. I cherish not only that opportunity, but the fact that certain expressions or phrases or word combinations that come up in everyday life will remind both of us: "that sounds like Junie B. Jones!" It happens more often that one would think, and we have an instant inside joke that we can chuckle over together. Sometimes an awkward or difficult moment can be gotten through more easily because one of us will adopt Junie B's way of expressing her feelings. I must comment on the complaints about the grammar. I agree that it is not poor grammar - it is just Junie's unique way of naming and expressing from her naive point of view. If a parent feels worried that her child will be confused or mislead by Junie's usage, perhaps it is best to wait a year or two before reading these books, when the child can better appreciate Junie's naive, childlike viewpoint. In fact, it is all the more funny as the reader gets older and can better appreciate how really innocent she is at her kindergarten level. We all have our memories of how blind we were to certain realities of life when we were little. Thanks to Barbara Park, Junie B. Jones tells us how it is for her in the most hilarious way!

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