Series / 所属系列: |
Magic School Bus
: 因为国内有引进版而大大有名的神奇校车系列,由 Scholastic 出版,每本 32 页,通过一系列充满想象力的神奇经历,在吸引孩子兴趣的同时丰富知识。这个系列图书也是小学用来训练阅读流利性的常用教材,有的书后附有15或者20个生词的表,孩子可以练习在一分钟内全部读出这些词:read it, read it again, read it faster! 另有一些书附有与主题相关的知识。每本书也附有对家长、老师的指导。
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Grade 2-5 Cole and Degen have struck at the core once again to produce an exciting, attractive, and informative science book for young readers. Children who entered Ms. Frizzle's classroom in The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks (Scholastic, 1986), are in for another exhuberant, intriguing field trip. This time, it's to the center of the earth. Surprises abound through each strata down to the very inner core where it is hot, hot, hot. The class collects rock samples before the bus is expelled from the earth's core in a volcanic eruption. Illustrations are in watercolor cartoon format and attendant ``balloons'' contain pertinent information or students' humorous asides. There are also pages from students' reports on rocks. A tongue-in-cheek section at the end discusses the real and fantasy aspects of the book. Containing uncluttered text and illustrations, it is an anticipatory page-turner full of exciting adventure from school yard to volcano and back. Mary Lou Budd, Milford South Elementary School, Ohio
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This best-selling children`s science series is excellent for reading aloud, while older kids (and parents) will appreciate the range and depth of information, as well. The story-text of the original series is at once humorous, engaging, and packed with facts. Lively and amusing illustrations include cartoon bubbles, as well as "reports" by the students in the story. Ms Frizzle is a Mary Poppins-like teacher with oomph, and a wardrobe to match, who challenges and leads her students, recurring characters who reflect the multicultural nature of the US, on amazing fieldtrips.
In INSIDE THE EARTH, the fabled bus turns into a steam shovel, provides the kids and the Frizz with workclothes and digging equipment, to explore to the earth`s core, Jules Verne-style. Along the way, they learn geology, but with the Frizzle spin.



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