Series / 所属系列: |
The Magic School Bus
Overview / 简介: |
In order to find Liz, their missing lizard, the kids in Ms. Frizzle's class become reptiles themselves and discover what it's like to be cold-blooded . |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Reading this book to my class will make the difference between birds' and mammals' hot-bloodedness and reptiles', amphibians', and fish's cold-bloodedness much easier for my third graders to understand. It also is on the school's Accelerated Reader list, so they can then reread the book on their own and can take a test on it.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about animals and their characteristics. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Author Joanna Cole and illustrator Bruce Degen make learning a spirited joyride, delighting young audiences with their fantastic journeys to the eye of a hurricane, the bottom of the ocean, and the center of the earth, to name just a few. Author and illustrator have said they were each inspired by an important teacher in their classroom days - very much like Ms. Frizzle! There are now more than 58 million Magic School Bus books in print, in a variety of formats, plus a wildly successful animated television series. Called "a can't-miss team" by School Library Journal, Cole and Degen live in Florida and Connecticut, respectively. For more information about Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, visit: |



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