Series / 所属系列: |
Nate The Great
Overview / 简介: |
It's two o'clock in the morning when the telephone rings andNate the Great learns that Rosamond's pillowcase is missing. Sheneeds it now because her cat, Big Hex, likes to sleep on it. Outside it is damp, dark, and dreary, but a good (yawning) sleuthknows that the hunt must go on. Can Nate the Great find the missingpiece of laundry before the sun comes up, and before his bedroomslippers wear out? |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Margaret Ryan is a full-time writer, after a long career as aprimary school teacher. She is now an established children's authorand travels extensively throughout Scotland, England and Walesvisiting schools and libraries. In 2000, she won the Scottish Arts'Council Book Award. |