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Nate The Great Stalks Stupidweed
Author:   Marjorie WeinmanSharmat
Category: Fiction - Action  Mysteries 

Barcode: 62233606

ISBN: 9780440401506
Pages: 80
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Book with Toy
Original Price: $ 5.99
价值: ¥60
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥12,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Nate The Great

Overview / 简介:
When Oliver asks his friend Nate the Great to find his lost weed, Nate can't say no. This isn't just any weed. It's a Superweed that Oliver bought from Rosamond's Adopt-A-Weed sale.

First Nate must figure out where to look for the weed. Together with his trusty dog Sludge, they search for clues in the woods, the park and even the library! But is the biggest clue right under Nate's nose?

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Marjorie Weinman Sharmat (born November 12, 1928 in Portland, Maine) is an American children's writer. Sharmat has authored more than 130 books for children and teens. Her books have been translated into several languages and have won awards, such as Book of the Year by the Library of Congress or have become selections by the Literary Guild. Very briefly in the 1980s, Sharmat also wrote Sorority Sisters, a romantic book series, which had a sense of humor. Among Sharmat's most popular books are those featuring child detective Nate the Great. The story, Nate the Great Goes Undercover, was turned into a made-for-TV movie and won the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival Award. In expanding the Nate the Great storyline, Mitchell Sharmat, Marjorie's husband created Olivia Sharp, Nate's cousin and fellow detective.

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