Series / 所属系列: |
Henry And Mudge
Overview / 简介: |
Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever. And in this seventh book of their adventures, they spend a scary but reassuring day at the vet. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 3-- Henry and his devoted canine, Mudge, share some scary moments when the big dog gets sick and has to go to the vet. It had always been Mudge who stayed by a sick Henry; always Mudge who loved Henry's sick days because he could stay with Henry , who fed him the crackers that Henry's parents kept bringing to the sick bed. Now, it is Mudge who is lying around and able only to wag his tail when Henry wakes in the morning. The sad, fearful expression on Henry's face as he and his mother take Mudge to the vet will bring tears of compassion. The picture of Henry holding Mudge's tail as he listens to the diagnosis captures the unspoken, "Don't worry, I'm with you." Children will respond warmly to the kind, female vet whose assurances give Henry a laugh. At home, Henry pampers Mudge to help him get over his cold and fever--even eating the crackers Mudge refuses. After a few days, Mudge gobbles the crackers and is back in good health. The bond of caring and special friendship between these two young friends is once again humorously and sensitively delivered. This easy-to-read, three-chapter book is certain to be as popular as the others in this series. --Ellen Dibner, East School, Long Beach, NY
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
What can I say about the Henry And Mudge series? What can't I say about it? It's wonderful, delightful, sweet, and gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading it aloud to your kids! I have read all of the books to my son when he was little and we both loved them. Mudge is big and lovabale and Henry is smart and kind and his parents give him good morals and values to live by. It's very funny and I would recommend this series (which are well into the 20's) for people with children between the ages of 3-5. I do have to say though, that I like the books that are illustrated by Sucie Stevenson the best. She draws Mudge with a much gentler expression to his face. All in all, I highly recommend Henry and Mudge! And if you do like this series, you may also enjoy the Mr. Putter series...also by Cynthia Rylant. |

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