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Last One In Is A Rotten Egg! (Gilbert And Friends)(畅销书作家Diane deGroat著作)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   deGroat, Diane
Category: Fiction

Barcode: 90051739

ISBN: 9780060892968
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Gilbert And Friends

Overview / 简介:
Gilbert and Lola are excited that their cousin Wally is coming for a visit—just in time for the Easter egg hunt! But soon they learn how competitive Wally has become. He has to be the fastest, be the first in line, and find the most eggs, no matter who gets hurt. How can Gilbert deal with such relentless rivalry?

In this humorous and encouraging story by Diane deGroat, Gilbert—everyone’s favorite opossum—teaches Wally who the rotten egg really is!

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2—In this 10th book about Gilbert, the young opossum and his sister are excited about their cousin's visit. They soon realize, however, that having Wally around isn't as much fun as they had imagined. He is so competitive that he turns everything into a contest. "Last one in is a rotten egg" is his favorite phrase, which he yells while running to beat the others at whatever activity is taking place, even getting to the lunch table first. The children attend an Easter egg hunt and Wally fills his basket quickly while Gilbert takes the time to help his little sister search for eggs. Lola spots the golden egg, which signifies a prize, but neither she nor Gilbert can reach it high in a tree. Wally takes it from its perch but instead of giving it to Lola, keeps it for himself. In the end, Lola wins her prize, Wally learns to share, and the three become friends. Pastel, cartoon-style watercolor illustrations depict the activities while revealing the small town's populace made up of raccoons, porcupines, rabbits, cats, and dogs. Children will relate to the story, which imparts a gentle lesson on how to be a friend.—Maryann H. Owen, Racine Public Library, WI

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
If you have a child at home in preschool or early elementary school, and are looking for a good book, this book is for you! This is a wonderful Easter-time story about a hedgehog named Gilbert, who meets up with his seldom seen cousin, Wally. Though related, Wally and Gilbert are the opposite when it comes to manners. I am a substitute teacher, and I read this to a class of first graders. Even though it was time for recess the kids were "begging" me to turn the page so they could find out what happens next!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Diane deGroat is the illustrator of more than 120 children's books and the author-illustrator of other bestselling books about Gilbert, including Mother, You're the Best! (But Sister, You're a Pest!); Last One in Is a Rotten Egg!; Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet; Jingle Bells, Homework Smells; Happy Birthday to You, You Belong in a Zoo; No More Pencils, No More Books, No More Teacher's Dirty Looks!; Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books; and the New York Times bestseller roses are pink, your feet really stink. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

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bingorainbow: 以牙还牙     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2014/6/3 12:56:00
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daniel妈咪2015: 复活节     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2016/4/15 17:16:00
这个系列我家很喜欢,这本讲述了表兄来到做客 赶上复活节找彩蛋的比赛 但是表兄的表现很自私,结果怎样? 我们的小主人公用“智慧”解决聊这个问题,而且给了表兄一个很好的教训,同时也认识到了自己这样自私的行为是多磨可耻,改变了自己的行为····
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