Series / 所属系列: |
Gilbert And Friends
Overview / 简介: |
It's the last day of school!
Gilbert is excited about summer vacation. First there's a class party, and Mrs. Byrd will give out the end-of-the-year awards. But will Gilbert even get one? Patty's the best speller. Philip's the best reader. What is Gilbert best at?
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Kindergarten-Grade 2–It's the last day of first grade, and Gilbert, a winsome opossum, is filled with conflicting emotions. He's excited about summer vacation, but he's going to miss his teacher, Mrs. Byrd. What's more, he's not sure he will receive an award because he's not sure what he's best at. As time passes in a flurry of last-day activities (cleaning out desks, etc.), Gilbert works through his feelings and bids farewell to first grade. He does, of course, receive an award, and the school year ends on a positive note. The color cartoon illustrations are filled with detail and charm. This picture book effectively captures both the excitement and sadness that many children feel at the end of the school year, and it makes for a good discussion starter. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Yes, indeed, it's the last day of school, and Gilbert, the exuberant opossum, has survived first grade! Much as he looks forward to summer vacation, though, Gilbert is worried: Will he receive an award at the class party? Will he remember the poem he's to recite for all the parents? And will his teacher, Mrs. Byrd, miss him over the summer?
Clever plotting ties these potential problems together in a way that's predictable yet pleasing. And just when the story seems to have reached a satisfying conclusion, one last page-turn reveals an unexpected ending that's sure to provoke laughter.
Author and artist Diane deGroat conveys an amazing amount of emotion on the furry and feathered faces of these classroom critters.
Readers ready to race out of school will find this picture book just the right launch for a fun-filled summer. |





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