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Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May.)
Author:   Park, Barbara
Category: Fiction - Experience  Humorous  Popular 

Barcode: 88716206

ISBN: 9780375828096
Pages: 118
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Junie B. :  Junie B. Jones 讲述学前班(Grade K)的那些小孩子之间的事, Junie B., First Grader 则升了一级,孩子们正式进入一年级了,各种各样新的烦恼又出现了...

Overview / 简介:
It’s holiday time, and Room One is doing lots of fun things to celebrate.
Like making elf costumes! And singing joyful songs! Only, how can Junie B. enjoy the festivities when Tattletale May keeps ruining her holiday glee? And here is the worst part of all! When everyone picks names for Secret Santa, Junie B. gets stuck with Tattletale you-know-who! It’s enough to fizzle your holiday spirit! Hmm . . . or is it? Maybe, just maybe, a Secret Santa gift is the perfect opportunity to give May exactly what she deserves.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Our family loves the Junie B. Jones books. So when this newest one came out, we bought it right away. I think this is the best Junie B. book so far. It teaches about choices that children make and what is really important. The ending is great! My 6 year old and 4 year old loved it!

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