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Junie B., First Grader: BOO...and I MEAN It!  有 mp3
Author:   Park, Barbara
Category: Fiction - Experience  Girls  Humorous  Popular 

Barcode: 74203185

ISBN: 9780375828072
Pages: 86
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Intermediate Chapter Book
Original Price: $ 4.99
价值: ¥50
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥10,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Junie B. :  Junie B. Jones 讲述学前班(Grade K)的那些小孩子之间的事, Junie B., First Grader 则升了一级,孩子们正式进入一年级了,各种各样新的烦恼又出现了...

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
In the 24th installment of Barbara Park's Junie B. Jones series of illustrated early chapter books, Boo... And I Mean It!, the precocious first grader is worried about Halloween--with good reason. Paulie Allen Puffer has given her five good reasons, in fact, not least of which is that real witches and monsters go trick-or-treating on Halloween (no costumes necessary); if you carve pumpkins with pointy teeth, they will bite your feet; and...shhh...candy corn isn't really corn. Junie B. goes to great lengths to avoid trick-or-treating altogether, but she finally decides that if she dresses up like Squirty the Clown (a disturbing circus clown who terrified her grandmother by chasing her with a seltzer bottle and making her wear an "unattractive balloon hat"), even the most horrific witches and monsters will be scared off. As ever, her way of expressing herself "I did a groan" and "Chills came on my arms" is grammatically unique, but as you get to know her, more endearing than alarming. Children who have mixed feelings about Halloween festivities will relate to Junie B.'s fears, and they'll be relieved when Halloween passes without a monster attack or pumpkin bite, just a delicious bag of 100% candy. (Ages 4 to 8)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is full of antics you would see out of your typical first grader. It allows the reader to get inside this little girl's mind and see the comical thoughts going through her head. Young children are sure to love this book, because Junie is so funny! Her language is also typical of a young child. "I quick opened the pages," is just one example of this. Barbara Park also recognizes the distinct gap in the lines of communication between adults and children. Throughout the book, Junie would tell adults something totally different than what she had been thinking. She didn't want to tell the five truths she knew about Halloween that Paulie Allen Puffer had told her, because something bad would happen to her if she did tell. So, she turned to her stuffed animal for support. How many children talk to their stuffed animals? So realistic! All in all, her fears and confusion of Halloween make for a hilarious book for children to read. I know this child's actions remind me of some of the things that my nieces have said and done. I found myself giggling out loud while reading about them. I would definitely encourage young students to read this book. It would be a great read-aloud.

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