Series / 所属系列: |
Hello Science Reader
Overview / 简介: |
It starts with a seed and grows. Apples are delicious and can be used to make many tasty things. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1?Marzollo details the life of an apple from bud to flower to fruit to market to table. The story unfolds in simple sentences in large, easy-to-read type. Moffatt's full-color collages are pleasing and uncluttered. The focus is on the apple and its growing cycle. The illustrator creates a 3-D effect that makes the pictures seem to lift off the page. As the petals fall, young readers will want to reach out to catch them and will eagerly turn the page to see what surprises may be waiting. This series entry presents a science concept in a simple, straightforward way. When you use it in storyhour, have some apples ready for munching.?Mary Ann Bursk, Bucks County Free Library, Levittown, PA



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