From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Gr 1-3-Beginning with the laying of an egg, Guiberson describes the care given to a baby emperor penguin by both parents from the time it hatches until it is on its own. Much detail is given about the activities of the mother and father, particularly their unusual eating patterns and survival skills. In addition to the well-researched and well-organized text, most pages utilize onomatopoeia that is sure to be enjoyed by young readers who can mimic the sounds created by these phrases ("Whoosh-whish," "Shuffle, shuffle," "Gurgle, swish"). Educational information is presented informally and successfully blends with the storylike tone of the book. Created by cutting shapes from hand-painted paper, Paley's icy blue and purple collage illustrations serve as a wintry backdrop for the black-and-white emperor penguins. They make readers shiver as they see the fathers working hard to keep themselves and their small charges warm in the freezing temperatures. As the catchy title indicates, Guiberson's book is sure to delight readers. By describing the life cycle of the emperor penguin and the unusually harsh Antarctic climate, the author introduces young readers to the wonderful diversity of the Earth's habitats.
Cathie E. Bashaw, Somers Library, NY
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
"In late May, as an icy winter wind blows across Antarctica, a mother emperor penguin lays an egg. Plop! To keep the egg from freezing, she catches it on her feet and covers it with a flap of skin..." So begins Brenda Guiberson's fascinating and engaging story of life and survival in the coldest place on Earth. Mother and Father penguin take turns eating, traveling on a harrowing journey ninety miles or more to an opening in the Arctic ice to feed. Their mate is left behind, standing still for months to care for the egg and eventually the fluffy little chick, in the worst of winter. Finally as the short summer begins, the baby chick leaves his parents' feet, grows black and white waterproof feathers, and learns to swim and feed on its own. Soon the winter will come, the ocean will freeze, and the emperor penguins will return to their mating grounds to begin the process again..... Ms Guiberson's easy to read and well researched text is chock full of detail, interesting facts, drama, and even appropriate sound effects, and is enhanced by Joan Paley's captivating artwork. Together word and art paint a marvelous and intriguing portrait of the life cycle of the emperor penguin. Perfect for youngsters 5 and older, The Emperor Lays An Egg is non-fiction at its very best, and a treasure of a book that definitely shouldn't be missed. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Brenda Z. Guiberson enjoys watching and reading about birds in every environment. Ms. Guiberson is the author of many books for children, including Cactus Hotel and Spoonbill Swamp. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
Joan Paley is the illustrator of Unbeatable Beaks and several other books for children. She created the collages in this book by cutting shapes from paper that she hand painted. Ms. Paley lives with her husband in North Scituate, Massachusetts.


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