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Butterfly Kisses
Author:   Carlisle, Bob   Carlisle, Brooke
Category: Fiction - Family  Parent  Language 

Barcode: 47653474

ISBN: 9780307988720
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
A Little Golden Book :  Little Golden Book, 经典中的经典,妈妈小时候听的故事,又讲给自己的孩子听,就是这套书的内容。每本书都发行超亿册,是美国奶奶传给妈妈、妈妈传给女儿的故事和书,伴随美国几代孩子的成长。但这套书大多为 Level-3, 适合妈妈给孩子讲故事。

Overview / 简介:
In this moving narrative poem, Bob Carlisle and his daughter Brooke recapture the emotions so eloquently expressed in Bob's hit song which reached the top of the pop, country, Christian, and adult contemporary song music charts. Told in conversational verse between father and daughter, Butterfly Kisses celebrates the shared love, trust, and hope that create a unique bond between father and daughter. This Little Golden Book is a must-have for every daughter's bookshelf.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I don't listen to country or cristian, so maybe in song form it is better, but I found the story as well as the illustrations to be rather creepy. Daddy is the king and Daugher is the QUEEN? eeeewwwwwww. I know it had to rhyme and whatnot, but this whole poem/song/story is icky to me. there is a line in it about loving you no matter how much you squirm or something equally blech. even where it isn't sort of inappropriate, it is sickningly shmaltzy and when my child takes this golden book from the bookcase, i have to hold back the bile, while trying to make up new words for the charachters to say. and the illustrations are nasty. the people look like marionettes, there isn't much about this book I can recommend. I keep meaning to chuck it.

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