Series / 所属系列: |
Handy Manny
: Handy Manny 有一颗乐于助人的心灵,是小镇上的修理高手,带着他爱讲话的万能修理工具们,什么疑难杂症都难不倒他们。但在解决问题的过程中,小伙伴非常想帮忙但经常帮倒忙,但是 Manny 从不气馁,最后伙伴们通过分工合作、用积极乐观的态度去努力,最后共同解决了各种各样的难题。助人精神、分工合作、永不放弃,这些不正是孩子们要学习、体会的吗? 小安妮自从在温哥华看到过一本 Handy Manny 的绘本后,以后只要见到就会借回来。
Overview / 简介: |
An action-packed story based on the “Motorcycle Adventure” episode premiering on Disney Channel’s Family Movie Night.
Manny and the tools are headed to Manny’s family reunion on their motorcycle, when Pat, Squeeze and Flicker wind up separated from them. Seems Pat has gone in search of his own family members and now finds himself in the back of a truck headed for a large hardware store outside of town. Manny races to catch up to the big truck, but encounters a number of obstacles along the way before finally reaching his trusty hammer, pliers and flashlight. Everyone reunited, they continue on to Manny’s Family Reunion where the tools meet Manny’s family and Pat learns that he doesn’t need to search elsewhere for family…his family is Manny and the other tools. Includes 2 Handy Manny Motorcycle Iron-Ons!
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This was part of a Christmas gift for my three year old son who adores Handy Manny. The pictures are colorful and vivid and the story is very cute! |
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