Series / 所属系列: |
Little Einsteins
: 迪斯尼的小爱因斯坦系列动画片,是小小爱因斯坦(Baby Einsteins)团队和 Disney 联手制作的针对3-6岁孩子的节目,透过唱唱跳跳轻松学习到音乐、艺术、科学、动物、自然各方面的知识及团队合作的精神等。故事总是从探险基地开始,跟着几位主角去经历各种事情,解决各种问题...
Overview / 简介: |
小爱因斯坦一直饶有兴致的参观着博物馆,没有意识到他们错过了博物馆关门的时间,所以他们被锁在那里一整夜。 The Little Einsteins have so much fun on their museum visit that they don't even realize that they've stayed past closing time. And now they're locked in for the night! Excited to have some company for the evening, the dinosaurs and statues come to life and dance and play with the Little Einsteins. The team needs your help to get everyone back to their display area before the museum reopens in the morning! Building on the success of the Baby Einstein's 93% U.S. brand awareness, Little Einsteins maintains the unique educational philosophy of using classical music, art, and real-world imagery to engage and teach preschoolers about the natural world around them.
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