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A Yummy Lunch  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Mayer, Mercer
Category: Level Reading-2  Fiction - Parent  Family  Phonics 

Barcode: 89635094

ISBN: 9781577688099
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.95
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Little Critter :  孩子的成长,总有自己的烦恼。Critter 想要吃曲奇,妈妈说 No. 想要把金鱼从浴缸中拿出来玩,妈妈说 No. 所有我想要做的事情,妈妈都说 No! 所有妈妈让我做的事情,我都不想做!我很生气!这个经常很 mad, 把眼睛瞪得圆圆的小家伙,不停地有各种各样的烦恼... 这就是其中 I Was So Mad 这本书的内容。系列中每本书,都能让孩子产生共鸣,图画非常直观,仅看图画孩子就能够理解并且高度认同,这种与自己的经历共鸣,一定能够引起孩子兴趣,而且这些书也正是教会孩子如何处理这些、如何解决成长中的各种烦恼的好帮手。
First Readers :  这是 Carson Dellosa 出版的 Little Critter 系列的分级读物,每本24页,除作者 Mercer Mayer 的 Critter 故事外,书中还列出了每本书的生词列表以及一些游戏或者活动,来练习这些生词。书的最后一页包括了答案。

Overview / 简介:
Little Critter makes mom his famous peanut butter and pickle sandwich with potato chips and orange juice.
Young Readers will enjoy these simple and engaging stories written with their reading level in mind. Featuring Mercer Mayer's charming illustrations and favorite Little Critter characters, children will want to open these books again and again. To ensure reading success, the First Readers were based on McGraw-Hill's respected educational SRA Open Court Reading Program.

Skills activities in the back of the book also help reinforce learning, and a word list is included for vocabulary practice.

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Mercer Mayer – writer and illustrator for Little Critter First Readers, as well as Little Critter Spectrum began writing and illustrating children’s books in 1966 and since that time, he has published over 300 titles. Open almost any of the award-winning author/illustrator’s books, and out may pop dragons, cuddly monsters, wonderful creatures, and endearing critters. “Most of my books are about things that happened to me when I was a little kid,” says Mercer. “Now that I’m a big kid, I write about things that happen now, especially with my own children. They always help remind me of what it was like.” Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Mercer Mayer spent his childhood hunting lizards and snakes in the swamps near his home. During his teenage years, he attended the Honolulu Academy of Arts. He later received additional training at the Art Students League in New York City. Upon completion of his studies, he set out with pen and ink to write and illustrate a collection of children’s book, reflecting many of the adventures he experienced as a child.

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感谢温州市温迪分馆提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

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meijun2: 美味的午餐     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/5/7 6:58:00
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山间清泉: 非常有趣,孩子的最爱     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/11/2 13:35:00
Little creature 这套书非常有趣,我们宝贝老喜欢了。当时借这本书时主要看到有音频,结果音频根本就没有下载下来,不过一点都没有影响我们,跟生活息息相关,画面很吸引孩子。值得借
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