Overview / 简介: |
Following Pete Marlowe's magical first story book, The Trailer Park Princesses, he returns with another enchanting tale as we join Katelyn on a wild and exciting ride through the imagination and back again! All the classic Arabian folk-tale elements tumble about as Katelyn saves the day -- and the teapot.
Katelyn intends to wake up early one morning to make breakfast for her parents. Her dad has ordered cereal and her mother a big pot of tea. Katelyn sets her very own alarm clock to be sure she is up on time.
When the clock goes off the next morning, Katelyn begins her fanciful journey into an Arabia of her imagination. Once there, she must save the king's greatest treasure from being stolen by a man with a cackle (never a good sign), claiming to be the Grand Vizier of all the kingdom -- and holding Katelyn's mom's teapot!
Katelyn must combat many enchantments, but with a little cunning, she manages to trick the Vizier into a magical chest and she locks it tightly. Then Katelyn is off on her flying carpet-sized handkerchief. She whisks the teapot home just in time to make a great big pot for Mom and Dad's breakfast in bed.
Charles Bell's richly detailed and boldly colored illustrations perfectly capture this bewitching tale.
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book is a delight for young and old alike. I suggest you buy the hardback edition, because it's a book you will want to keep over the generations. Your grandchildren will thank you for it just as much as your children did. Pete Marlowe has a poet's gift for words, so much so that the illustrations--although admittedly charming and thoughtful--aren't strictly necessary to this eloquently told tale that combines a simplicity of spirit with a great warmth of heart. |


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