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Owl Babies  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Waddell, Martin
Category: Fiction - Animals  Bird  Family  Parent  Nature 

Barcode: 88746265

ISBN: 9780763617103
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-- This simple story pales in comparison to the exceptionally well-crafted illustrations. Rendered in black ink and watercolor with an abundance of crosshatching used to show background, shadow, texture, and depth, each stunning woodcutlike panorama fills a double-page spread. Benson has chosen shades of turquoise, pale yellow, and light green for the large-type text in order to avoid detracting from the blue-and-green dominated paintings. Realistic as they appear, the three, fluffy, white baby owls and their mother are infused with distinct personalities. The owlets awaken one night to find their mother gone. Sarah, the largest, reasons that she is out hunting for food. Mid-sized Percy tends to agree, while tiny Bill will only repeat, ``I want my mommy!'' Mom, just out for a night flight, does return, of course, and her fledglings are delighted to see her. The repetition just doesn't work. The plot is too meager, the text too unexciting. Hutchins's Good Night Owl (Macmillan, 1991), Thaler's Owly (HarperCollins, 1982), and Yolen's Owl Moon (Philomel, 1987) are all better stories for preschoolers. Simple, well-written books about mother love and reassurance for this age group are abundant.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
I bought this book over two years ago, when my daughter was around 14 months and was just starting to visibly enjoy being read to. Two years later she still pulls it off the shelf sometimes and asks me to read it (usually around bedtime). The plot is appropriately simple: Mama Owl goes out hunting for the night, and the three owl babies get progressively more worried and scared. When they have almost sunk into despair, mom comes home. The illustrations are beautiful. Benson does an excellent job of evoking the fear of the wee owlets as they wait, and their exuberant joy upon mama's return. They are a perfect companion to Waddell's writing. Waddell makes good use of parallelism. After a couple of readings, if you're child is verbal, expect her to be wailing "I want my mommy!" right along with you and baby Bill. Also, despite the brevity and simple vocabulary, one gets a real sense of the different personalities of the owl babies. As children's literature goes, this is a masterpiece. Concurring with several other reviewers, I would agree that this is a great book to share with your kids if any of them suffer from separation anxiety.

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天蓝蓝: 与孩子心有戚戚焉     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/6 13:07:00
最后那句 I want my mommy 成了我们的口头禅,呵呵!
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清晨阳光: I want my mommy     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/10 15:46:00
I want my mommy ,6岁的女儿最喜欢这句话。平日里女儿就对妈妈依恋不舍得,尤其最近总盼着时刻和妈妈待在一起。书中的三只猫头鹰个个都是那么可爱,女儿看着她们总要抚摸一下(尽管是动态的)。妈妈出去了,一个说妈妈去狩猎了,一个说给我们找食物,最后一个说:我想妈妈。每次三个猫头鹰说的时候最小的总会说:我想妈妈,多么像我的孩子的情景啊,她和最小的猫头鹰产生了共鸣。家里正好有这本书的flash,所以也会一遍又一遍地看,模仿猫头鹰的话。我想看到书孩子会更喜欢的。
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含小宝儿的妈咪: 22个月的宝宝因为害怕黑夜而不愿意看     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/1/31 17:38:00
看了好多本关于妈妈不在身边的书,比如 Hug、Biscuit Finds a Friend,含能很好地与书里小主人公的情绪产生共鸣,因为他们都依恋妈妈。可是这本书我们却没有读完,读到小猫头鹰因为害怕而蜷在一起的时候,含说“不看了不看了”,她害怕这样的黑夜,更害怕在这样的黑夜里妈妈却不在身边。虽然书没有看完,但是我很高兴含能意会书的情境。
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spring: 最喜欢小bill     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/6 22:36:00
整本书讲述猫头鹰妈妈外出捕食,三个孩子sarah,Percy and bill在黑暗的夜中,焦急的等待。在这个等待的过程中三个孩子的猜想,由语言及动作,给人的感觉是那么的温暖!
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月亮妈妈: 我要妈妈     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/4/6 23:38:00
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ALICESONG: 适合孩子和妈妈一起读的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/5/13 11:37:00
画面很美 不同年龄的三个孩子,面对妈妈外出觅食 ,的不同反应。 尤其是最小孩子,”我要妈妈“ 最是让人觉得又怜有爱。 和孩子一起分角色朗读。 他很喜欢
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annieli: 最喜欢bill     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/7/21 15:14:00
小bill的i want my mommy被孩子们牢记在心而且脱口而出。小男孩小女孩都很喜欢的一本书。
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lawyershen: "Where is Mummy?""Outside"     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/12/11 17:38:00
这本原本不算四岁妞妞最感兴趣的书,所以读过一遍后就没有再读,也没有再听音频。结果今天再放音频时却发现她其实对本书是有回应的。音频刚响,她就说出了书名“owe babies"。读到小猫头鹰找不到妈妈时,我问“where is mummy?”妞妞回答“Outside”。妞妞还抢在音频相关句子之前说到“oh, my goodness”“I want my mummy.”在猫头鹰妈妈快回家之前,妞妞搂着我的脖子点着头说“She did!” 这句妞妞妈妈要赞一下,一是因为该强调句型都得准确、符合场景,二是因为原文中没有这一句,属于妞妞正确原创,虽然她还不知道什么是强调句型呵呵。
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康桥: what's all the fuss     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/3/11 18:05:00
这本书每页的字数比较多,但难度不大。孩子读图都能读懂,然后听我读的时候也能跟上情节。属于对应比较轻松的一本书,感觉读的和听的都比较舒服。孩子也能读大部分。他最喜欢owl mother说的那句:what' all the fuss?
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璇璇妈妈: 没有录音     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/8/24 20:41:00
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yiersansi: 好柔的亲情~     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/9/13 15:26:00
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