From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 2-As a young owlet gathers the confidence to fly from the nest one night, he is encouraged by his mother's soothing assurance that, "You will grow, you will prowl,/you will slide through the air;/you will swoop, loop-the-loop,/you will stare, you will glare-/as silently as moonlight/you'll glide through the midnight air." The large spreads show the birds from unique perspectives and focus in on one element, for example, Billywise's profile, letting the rest of the scene softly fade. Luminescent blues, greens, and rusts illuminate the dazzling illustrations, which elicit a sense of magical realism in the twilight setting. Self-confidence and mother's love shine through. Pair this story with Jane Yolen's Owl Moon (Philomel, 1987) to further a sense of awe about owls and with Martin Waddell's Owl Babies (Candlewick, 1992) to demonstrate yet again how mothers come through no matter how uncertain their babies are.
Linda M. Kenton, San Rafael Public Library, CA
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This book is a wonderful introduction to owls for children!! Beautiful and very accurate illustrations of barn owls. It is a fun book to read as well. My kids wanted me to read the book many times over. A very good buy! |

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