Series / 所属系列: |
: Ready to Read 是 Simon Spotlight 出版的、和 Nickelodeon、CGTV 等电视动画片密切配合的分级读物。这套书最显著的特点,就是和动画片紧密结合,Nickelodeon、CGTV 等播放的电视动画片,对应的分级读物都在这套书中,包括著名的海绵宝宝(SpongeBob Squarepants)、朵拉(Dora)、The Backyardigans(花园宝宝)、Go Diego Go!、Wonder Pets!、Go Gabba Gabba、Blue's Clues(蓝色斑点狗) 等动画片对应的绘本,所有的美国孩子都至少看过这些中的部分动画片,几乎每个美国孩子都对这些书津津乐道。另外,现在国内的卫星电视也可以看到 Nickelodeon 频道了。
Young Princess Around the World
Overview / 简介: |
Young Princess Lydia has always loved her Hawaiian customs. But asAmerican influences begin to take over, she realizes that her family's old ways are disappearing. She wants to help -- but how? Lydia commits the grand old stories of her culture to paper so they will always be remembered. And she realizes the comfort they bring in a time of change. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I found this chapter book easy to read and a good start to learning about Hawaii's most famous queen. Author Joan Holub carefully researched the story of Queen Lydia Liliuokalani in order to create this work of historical fiction about Lydia when she was only seven years old. It helps that the book includes Hawaiian pronunciations and definitions. The timeline of important events at the end of the book provides more details about her life.
It was the custom in Hawaii to use songs and oral storytelling to pass history from one generation to another. Nothing had ever been written down - until now. On July 31, 1845, Restoration Day (a celebration of Hawaii's independence from England) Princess Lydia presented a gift to the king that was perhaps the most important to the history of Hawaii. Lydia had used her gift of music to record as many songs as she could on paper so that they would never be lost. She continued to write them down all her life. Eventually Queen Lydia Liliuokalani (say "lih-lee-uh-wah-kuh-LAH-nee") wrote new songs for Hawaii. Her most famous song is Aloha Oe.
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Joan Holub is the award-winning author of more than eighty
books for children. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
Nonna Aleshina has illustrated the previous books in the Young
Princesses Around the World series. She lives in Russia.
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