Series / 所属系列: |
Green Light Readers
: 被 Boston Sunday Herald 誉为初学阅读的家庭必备书,每本书的作者都是有名的儿童作家及教育家,和绘本一样的幽默搞笑,但文字更有针对性,训练也更加系统。每本书的最后都附有使用指导。
Overview / 简介: |
Flora is Lee’s cat. She is as soft as silk. Flora sleeps on Lee’s bed. Lee likes it that way. But Flora vanishes. She isn’t under the bed or in the garden or up in the peach trees. Then one night, Flora returns--with company!This tale of a boy’s feline friend and her new family finds its purrfect match in Holly Keller’s heartwarming, playful illustrations. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Lee likes having his cat Flora sleep on his bed. She loves to pounce on his toes and fingers when he wiggles them and her soft purr is a comfort. One night, waking from a bad dream, Lee discovers Flora is not there. He is really sad and everyone in the family tries to find his pet. Finally, one day she turns up and what a surprise, although kids who paid attention to the title will figure out what is going to happen. A warm, fuzzy story, but parents beware, it may be difficult to convince your kids that sleeping with a cat may not be a healthy thing to do. A level 2 reader (grades 12) in the "Green Light Reader" series. 1999, Harcourt, Ages 6 - 8. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Cute enough story until you realize that the irresponsible pet owners have failed to spay their cat. |



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