From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 1. All new illustrations infuse this much-loved picture book (Dial, 1973) with energy. Vibrant colors and a larger format make the characters seem to jump out at readers. The original book's sweet, subdued pen-and-ink drawings were a mere appetizer when compared to the feast of colors here, all created from a combination of watercolor, India ink, gouache, pencil, and acrylics. Keeping each scene in a nearly framed vignette, Wells defines and details her illustrations even more than before. The eye-catching drawings and altered word groupings make the story flow better; words and pictures enhance one another to achieve the smooth narrative so necessary for storytelling. Some other differences between new and old: father has given up his pipe; kitchen knives aren't left on the table; and some architectural changes have placed the stair banister on the correct side so Nora won't topple off the side while flying her brother's kite. Nora, the delightful protagonist of the story, is the same; her dilemma hasn't changed one iota. This middle child who continually makes noise to get her parents' attention is really noticed when the silence from her absence saddens her family and starts them hunting for her. This is a Nora for the '90s!?Susan Garland, Maynard Public Library, MA
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This was one of my favorite books growing up. The rhymes are particularly appealing for young readers. I can still recite certain lines: "'I am leaving!' shouted Nora, 'And I am never coming back!' But no one heard anything except a tra la la from Jack." Wonderful stuff. And contrary to what the dad-to-be wrote, the message of this book is heartwarming. You don't have to be a middle child to appreciate Nora's predicament. |



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