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Crab Moon  有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Horowitz, Ruth
Category: Fiction - Nature  Science 

Barcode: 81726219

ISBN: 9780763623135
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3-On a summer weekend, Daniel, seven, and his family arrive at a seaside cottage. His mother remembers the seasonal spawning of horseshoe crabs on this selfsame shore when she was a child, and, at Daniel's urging, wakes him in the middle of the night to witness the phenomenon under the full moon. Hand in hand, they go to the moonlit beach and find the horseshoe crabs surging to the sand in clambering multitudes, caught in a springtide rhythm almost as old as time. The next morning, viewing the scene, Daniel finds "-one last, lonely crab marooned upside down," rights her, and follows her slow progress to the sea. Horowitz's quiet text reflects the moonlit awe of this ageless pattern, and Kiesler's luminous oils capture freeze-frame moments in perfect step (including the sandy borders and backgrounds). A page of Limulus facts is appended, which describes the stresses these ancient animals are encountering. Pair this with Mark Shasha's The Night of the Moonjellies (S & S, 1992; o.p.) for a quiet look at two unheralded, somewhat unlovely, but important marine creatures.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Crab Moon is a gem. Ruth Horowitz's evocative prose brings to life an experience that few people will get to have--witnessing thousands of horseshoe crabs massing on the beach under the full moon for their annual egg-laying. Kate Kiesler's paintings express the mood perfectly. The book tells a simple story. Daniel is woken in the night by his mother, and taken to the beach to watch the crabs. The next morning, he goes out alone to find a crab stranded on her back. He empathizes with the odd-looking creature, and finds a way of turning her over so that she may return to the sea. Crab Moon is salted with interesting horseshoe crab facts, and it allows readers to share in Daniel's feeling of connection with a threatened and misunderstood species. But while the book both informs the reader and evokes respect for nature's creations, its tone is always poetic rather than pedantic or preachy. In fact, with its warm, dreamy feel and its invoking of ancient natural rhythms, Crab Moon should make an ideal bedtime story.

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