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The Witches' Ball
Author:   Steinberg, D.J.
Category: Fiction - Halloween 

Barcode: 90075131

ISBN: 9780843124941
Pages: 10
Age / Level: 3-6,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 纸板书,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Oogily-boogily biffily-bats—
Here come the witches with broomsticks and hats.

Rum-tiddly dum-tiddly . . . careful—don’t fall!

Whoosh from the sky to the witchety ball.

Join a gaggle of silly (not spooky!) witches as they celebrate Halloween at the Witches’ Ball! Funny, nonsensical words add to the fun as the witches cast a spell to bring out the full moon, then play Musical Broomsticks and share pumpkin ice cream and fruit punch potion. Five colors of foil on the cover make this book an eye-catching Halloween treat!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
D.J. Steinberg began writing children’s books in the midst of a flourishing career as an animation producer. His inspiration? The start of yet another career: fatherhood. Now with three sons to inspire him, he has five books currently being published by Grosset & Dunlap (Penguin Group). In his debut, Grasshopper Pie and Other Poemsmeet upside-down Billy Ray Brown, the Tickle Monster, and a boy who sets grasshoppers loose in Grandma‚s kitchen in this wonderful celebration of what it means to be a kid. The Monster Mall features the likes of Frankenfood, the Werebaby, and Henry the Hungry Skeleton in a silly selection of spooky tales. Club Pet continues this funny poetry series with illustrator Adrian Sinnott. D.J. is best known for his work as an artist, producer, and production executive on classic animated films such as An American Tail, The Land Before Time, Cats Don’t Dance, Hercules, Mulan, Tarzan, and Home on the Range. He is currently a producer on Disney's newest production, A Day With Wilbur Robinson. Raised in Chicago, D.J. attended film school at Northwestern University before heading west. Nowadays, he can be seen performing live storytelling events at libraries, schools and shopping malls in the Los Angeles area, where he lives with his wife, Nily, and three favorite muses, Daniel, Micah and Noah. For more information please visit: www.djsteinberg.com

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