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Piglet's Big Movie  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Disney, RH
Category: Fiction - Popular 

Barcode: 89298541

ISBN: 9780736421119
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:

Overview / 简介:
In Disney’s newest animated feature film, Piglet’s Big Movie, Pooh and his friends discover that Piglet may be little, but he can do some very big things!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This book is a condensed telling of the new Disney film "Piglet's Big Movie". It has large, bright illustrations on every page. The book is written at a level easily understood by its target audience. Unlike some other movie adaptations I've had the misfortune of reading, this one has no plot gaps or missing information. It works well both as a stand-alone book and as a souvenir of the film. For pre-readers, this one will generate multiple "read-to-me" requests. Newly independent readers will want to look elsewhere, but intermediate readers should be able to tackle this one. Highly recommended.

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蓉妈: 好看     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2014/4/25 22:53:00
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