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Grade 4–6—In all three titles, each page features a different animal (or, in Arctic, a plant, a person, or a natural phenomenon)—one for each letter of the alphabet—and is comprised of one or more paragraphs of text set against the background of a sharp, full-page color photograph. Birds (mostly North American species) and Insects (worldwide species) describe the key characteristics of 26 creatures in their respective classes. Both titles have boxed inserts with the animal's scientific name, vital statistics, diet, geographical range, etc., as well as smaller photos of different species or developmental stages. Arctic briefly explains some natural features of the region, discusses the characteristics of a few typical plants, and describes the distinctive characteristics of 20 animals, highlighting the physical and/or behavioral adaptations that help them survive in the far North. The photography in all three titles is well composed and sharply focused, with a nicely varied layout from page to page. While the texts are clearly written, the amount of information provided is, of necessity, limited. Wendy Pfeffer's Arctic Frozen Reaches (Benchmark, 2002), Steve Parker's Peacocks, Penguins & Other Birds (Compass Point, 2006), and Laurence Mound's Insect (DK, 2007) have a broader scope and offer more detail on animal physiology. Still, the alphabetical format is accessible, the subjects are well chosen, and the photography is first class.—Karey Wehner, formerly at San Francisco Public Library



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