Series / 所属系列: |
Handy Manny
: Handy Manny 有一颗乐于助人的心灵,是小镇上的修理高手,带着他爱讲话的万能修理工具们,什么疑难杂症都难不倒他们。但在解决问题的过程中,小伙伴非常想帮忙但经常帮倒忙,但是 Manny 从不气馁,最后伙伴们通过分工合作、用积极乐观的态度去努力,最后共同解决了各种各样的难题。助人精神、分工合作、永不放弃,这些不正是孩子们要学习、体会的吗? 小安妮自从在温哥华看到过一本 Handy Manny 的绘本后,以后只要见到就会借回来。
Overview / 简介: |
Handy Manny是一套非常有名的系列书。这本书从系列书中衍生出来,是非常好的玩具书,每页的工具都是可以真的活动,比如小锤子就是可以搬动,去砸钉子。文字大而且押韵,图片非常漂亮!小孩子和大孩子看过之后感受应该不一样。一岁以内的孩子可以动动其中的机关当玩具,我家小宝这样的大孩子也愿意玩。工具迷们的好选择。另外这本书可以作为系列书的预热,为以后的阅读做准备。
该Join Manny and the tools in this delightful introduction to each tool's individual personality and specialized skills. Young readers will enjoy twisting, tapping, and turning the various moveable tools in this new format, while getting to know the unique cast of characters that make up Manny's team. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
If you know someone who's a fan of Handy Manny this is as really cute board book that gets your child involved with using some of Handy Manny's tool friends and it starts right on the cover of this board book with Pat patting a raised nail head.
The board book has raised edges that keep the tools moving and makes a lite tapping sound. This book says it's for ages 3 and up and I think that's because the tools featured in this book are made from a board book but could easily be bent if your child pulls the paper tools towards them. Other than that this bright colored book is really cute and would be adored by any Handy Manny fan! |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Handy Manny 有一颗乐于助人的心灵,是小镇上的修理高手,带着他爱讲话的万能修理工具们,什么疑难杂症都难不倒他们。但在解决问题的过程中,小伙伴非常想帮忙但经常帮倒忙,但是 Manny 从不气馁,最后伙伴们通过分工合作、用积极乐观的态度去努力,最后共同解决了各种各样的难题。助人精神、分工合作、永不放弃,这些不正是孩子们要学习、体会的吗? 小安妮自从在温哥华看到过一本 Handy Manny 的绘本后,以后只要见到就会借回来。 |





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