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A Little Golden Book
: Little Golden Book, 经典中的经典,妈妈小时候听的故事,又讲给自己的孩子听,就是这套书的内容。每本书都发行超亿册,是美国奶奶传给妈妈、妈妈传给女儿的故事和书,伴随美国几代孩子的成长。但这套书大多为 Level-3, 适合妈妈给孩子讲故事。
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Charmingly dated illustrations (I believe this book was first published in 1964, the year I was born!) take us through a day on the farm with a Leave-It-to-Beaver family. Yes, with two toddlers in my lap, I have seen more farm books than I care to think about. This one, however, has really captured the attention of both my son and daughter. A neighbor borrowed it recently and apologized for taking so long to return it, saying that her son had become very attached to the book. I'd like to give some substantive reason why the kids are so attracted to it, but it's hard to say. Maybe because they get to see what place children have on a farm -- as opposed to typical farm books: "The cow says moo. The sheep says..." etc. In any event, the ilustrations are very appealing for one-year olds to older toddlers, and a fun glimpse of the past for moms and dads. Enjoy! |



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