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The Berenstain Bears and the Bully  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Berenstain, Stan & Jan
Category: Fiction - Social  Freind  Personality 

Barcode: 88184661

ISBN: 9780679848059
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
The Berenstain Bears :  著名的贝贝熊系列,畅销40多年,发行2亿多册,影响两代人的绘本,被誉为美国孩子行为教育之父,是真正的把行为、品德教育在生活中的各种小事中得到体现和贯彻、但又很幽默吸引孩子兴趣的图书。

Overview / 简介:
Illus. in black-and-white. When Sister Bear gets beaten up by Tuffy, the new

cub in town, Brother huffs off to set this bully straight. But he's in for a

surprise--Tuffy's a little girl, and Brother just can't bring himself to fight


Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
After encountering the first episodes of bullying in my own daughter's life, I decided to go read up on all of the things I could do to address the problem myself and teach my daughter how to address this problem herself. In this reading and talking with other parents, I decided that the best approach to addressing bullying is to try to focus the bad behavior onto the bully and help my daughter learn that bullies sometimes are victims of their own childhoods. And this is exactly what this book does. At the start of the story, Sister is beat up by a new bear named "Tuffy." And as most parents, the Momma and Papa bear tell sister to ignore the bully. However, like most kids, this advice seems a little hollow to Brother and Sister. The two of them conspire to teach Sister self defense techniques so that she won't be victimized again. And over the course of the weekend, Sister learns to fight and protect herself. At the end of the weekend, Sister is reminded by her brother that she still needs to avoid Tuffy since this is what the parents want (and I would add that the underlying message is that knowing how to protect yourself isn't a license to look for trouble). Sister does avoid Tuffy until a few days later she catches Tuffy throwing stones at a baby bird that cannot fly. Sister, wanting to protect the baby bird, confronts Tuffy. Tuffy, when confronted, decides to attack Sister. However, because Sister learned self-defense, Sister is ready for Tuffy and ends up punching Tuffy in the nose. A teacher catches the fight and the two are sent to see the principle. While sitting on the bench outside the principle's office, Sister learns a little about Tuffy. She learns that Tuffy is hit at home and that perhaps that is why she hits other kids. And this realization is the real gem of the story. The realization that Tuffy's bullying is due to Tuffy having problems at home. That Sister should feel bad for Tuffy for not having the wonderful homelife that Sister has. In the end, because Sister was actually standing up for a creature less able to defend itself from a bully, Sister was let off with a warning. Tuffy was given a week where she couldn't participate in recess and had to go to sessions with the school psychologist to help her address her anger issues. I highly appreciate and recommend this book as a stepping stone to use to talk about bullying, how my daughter feels when she is bullied, why bullies act the way they do, etc. It is not a book that you can give to your child and expect that all is cured. But bullying isn't one of those issues that any single story could ever address. It is an issue that, in my opinion, requires that you spend a lot of time addressing the many many issues that are involved so that over time, your child learns to navigate through this complex problem.

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