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Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Cushman, Doug
Category: Level Reading-3  Fiction - Animals  Humorous  Mysteries 

Barcode: 77229625

ISBN: 9780064441261
Pages: 64
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
I Can Read :  Harper Collins 出版的分级读物,每本书 32-64 页不等,比较长的书包含不只一个故事。在有趣的故事吸引孩子读下去,从中通过大量的重复达到熟练掌握的目的。这套书和其他分级读物的一个主要区别是,文字以及插图作者大多为有名的儿童作家及画家,因此虽为分级读物但故事性、图画均水平很高,很多还出版了带有 CD 的版本,广受好评。其中的Frog and Toad, Little Bear, Amelia Bedelia 更是大名在外。这套书是美国很多小学的阅读教材,包括小安妮回国后的外教班,就是在安妮鲜花博客中的博文《美国老师如何引导孩子读绘本》中提到的那个专为小海归办的、和美国孩子同步学习的外教班,也选用了这套书中一些作为阅读教材。

Overview / 简介:
Four Aunt Eater Mysteries!
A stolen traveling bag . . . A mysterious black shadow on the wall . . . A thief next door . . . A disappearing cat . . . Don't worry, Aunt Eater is on the case.

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3 Four easy-to-read chapters follow Aunt Eater (an anteater) as she suspects mysterious happenings around her. First her bag is stolen on the train. A mysterious person at a party turns out to be the shadow of one of her friends carrying a tray and glass. The third chapter concerns a mysterious note. The final mystery involves the disappearance of her cat, Sam. While the plot in each chapter is thin, the material does not speak down to readers. A variety of sentence structures and interesting vocabulary is used. The four-color illustrations will help young readers visualize the text without giving away the mystery. Yet readers will have some unanswered questions. The explanation that one character is dressed in scarf and overcoat because he has a sore throat is unconvincing, as another character is shown in shorts and short sleeved shirt. An average but comfortable addition to easy-to-read mystery collections. Sharron McElmeel, Cedar Rapids Community Schools, Iowa

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My six year old son did very well reading this book. There was enough of a challenge without it being overwhelming. He really liked the fact that this book has chapters. Made him feel even better about reading it. It is also a book he could read all on his own, and a cute story

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Renee: 食蚁兽阿姨     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/4/7 15:17:00
女儿喜欢一切跟mystery 相关的故事。所以开篇的第一句话就吸引了她-eater阿姨喜欢破解谜团。有意思的是我们一起发现这个阿姨的名字是安排的很巧妙的:叫eater的aunt实际上读起来就是 ant eater,也就是食蚁兽阿姨,很巧妙的谐音,让孩子觉得有一种玩儿文字的乐趣。整本故事就是讲aunt怎样在生活中热爱“谜团”,几乎有点小神经质地觉得生活到处都是疑云并且热爱于去发现和解决它们
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