Series / ËùÊôϵÁÐ: |
Reader's Clubhouse
: Barron ¹«Ë¾³ö°æµÄ£¬×¨ÎªÍ¼Êé¹Ý¡¢Ñ§Ð£µÈ»ú¹¹µÄ¶ùͯÔĶÁ»æ±¾£¬±»¹ã·ºÓ¦ÓÃÓÚ¿ÎÌÃѧϰÔĶÁ¡¢Ñ§Ï°Phonics µÄ¾«¶Á²ÄÁÏ¡£Õâ¸öϵÁÐÊÇרÃÅѵÁ·ÔªÒôµÄ£¬¹²·ÖÁ½¼¶£¬ÆäÖеÄLevel-1רÓÃÓÚѵÁ·¶ÌÔªÒô£¬Level-2ÔòרÃÅѵÁ·³¤ÔªÒô¡£Phonics µÄѧϰÖУ¬ÔªÒô²ÅÊÇÄѵ㣬ÕâÌ×Êé×îÊʺÏ×÷Ϊ¸¨Öú²ÄÁÏÅäºÏ Phonics ѧϰ¡£
Overview / ¼ò½é: |
This is Book 9 in the new Level 3 nine-book set of Reader's Clubhouse elementary readers. They are designed for both classroom use and home schooling in grades 1 and 2. Level 3 books are primarily intended for reading instruction following students' completion of Levels 1 and 2 readers in grades K and 1. Reader's Clubhouse titles on all levels emphasize the phonics method of teaching. Each Level 3 book focuses on just a few vowel sounds. Six of the Level 3 readers fall into the fiction category, and feature attractive color illustrations supplementing a wide range of story themes. Each title also suggests an activity related to the book's subject matter that is appropriate to the child's grade level. Nonfiction titles are photo illustrated in color. In addition to their main text for reading instruction, they present "Fun Facts" sidebars that will enrich children's reading experiences with interesting items of information. The nonfiction readers contain the basic elements of an adult's nonfiction book, including glossary and index. They also list two books and one web site where teachers, parents, and kids can find more information about each book's subject. All books present a letter addressed to parents and teachers which explains the fundamental phonics concepts that underlie the Reader's Clubhouse series. Book 9 reviews the long e and long i sounds introduced in Level 3 books 6 and 7. |
From Organization / ¹úÍâ»ú¹¹ÆÀ¼Û: |
‚"These books offer a unique combination of early literacy tactics to aid children in strengthening reading and comprehension skills."



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