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Dick And Jane And Vampires
Author:   Marchesani, Laura
Category: Fiction - Comics  Romance  Short 

Barcode: 89025765

ISBN: 9780448455686
Pages: 144
Age / Level: 5-8, Level-2,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 9.99
价值: ¥100
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥20,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Dick and Jane

Overview / 简介:
When innocent Dick and Jane meet a creepy, cape-wearing vampire, the unexpected happens: he becomes their friend! This title borrows from the classic stories and art we all know and love, but adds an of-the-moment twist: a vampire, illustrated in the classic Dick and Jane-style. It's a mash-up kids and adults alike are sure to love.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Many of us read Dick and Jane when we were early readers. Nice illustrations, but fairly dull, even for little kids. It's amazing what adding a vampire can do. The wonderfully subtle humor in this likely to amuse nostalgic parents, but it's also a wonderful book for early readers. My son is just learning to read, and so far, he's never read a book without being asked to. Until we gave him Dick and Jane and Vampires this morning. He sat there and read the first 55 pages out loud to me this morning, and asked if we can read the next section tonight. Now, my kid has a relatively advanced sense of humor for his age, and some kids might wonder "Why is it funny that Sally is scared by the vampire under her bed, but the other kids don't see it and don't believe her?" The book is cute, not scary, and because it's still at the reading level of the original Dick and Jane books, it might be just the thing to get a young reader to practice on his or her own.

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