Book Details... |
Overview / 简介: |
Mouse, the rambunctious rodent first seen in Fleming's Lunch, returns in this concept-book salute to hands-on (or, in this case, paws-on) creativity. Beginning at the beginning the letter A, of course Mouse fashions letters by means of various arts and crafts. Fleming has embraced the broadest definition of "construction" to include such activities as sawing, gluing, buttoning, icing (as in a cake) and quilting. Young children will no doubt enjoy seeing Mouse scurry sometimes humorously splattered with materials from one letter to the next, although they may puzzle over a few of the scenes. A few of the entries strain to fit the overall theme as when Mouse X-rays the X, Yanks the Y and Judges the J. The always playful, exuberant mood of Fleming's handmade-paper artwork, however, remains intact. Her broad range of dynamic, intense colors envelops readers with its sunny warmth. Ages 2-5. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
The only one having a better time than the buck-toothed Mouse in Alphabet Under Construction is Denise Fleming, the gifted writer and illustrator who here brings back the hungry hero of Lunch for a trip through the alphabet and an arts-and-crafts roll call.
Letter by letter, page by page, the playful Mouse "constructs" the alphabet--airbrushing the A, buttoning the B, carving the C, and so on, employing all manner of scaffolds, ladders, and high- and low-tech devices to get the job done. (Clearly Mouse didn't really blow his budget until near the end, on the custom tiles, the X-ray machine, and the welding equipment.) Fleming employs an arcane process that involves "pouring colored cotton pulp through hand-cut stencils" to create her distinctive style. But fortunately, you don't have to have any idea what that means to enjoy her sense of humor, her vibrant colors, and her boisterous compositions. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
Dear little mouse has a big job to do, building the entire alphabet with art supplies and construction tools, and he gets right to work Airbrushing the A, Buttoning the B, and Carving the C. And as he moves quickly, letter by letter, Folding the F, Measuring the M, Pruning the P, Vacuuming the V, or Zipping the Z, little ones will revel in all the creative fun. Author, Denise Fleming's text is kept to a bare minimum, just the letter and construction verb. It's her big, bold, and vibrant artwork, dazzling with entertaining details and engaging humor, that makes this book stand out. Perfect for preschoolers, Alphabet Under Construction is not just another "learn your letters" picture book, but an imaginative and inventive, joyous romp that shouldn't be missed. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Denise Fleming has written and illustrated fourteen picture books, including In the Small, Small Pond, which was named a Caldecott Honor Book. Her illustrations are created by pulp painting. Ms. Fleming lives in Toledo, Ohio, with her husband, David Powers, with whom she collaborates. |






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暄暄妈: 看似简单的书
| 2012/3/3 9:23:00 |
哇哦,本以为只是些简单的字母,做起来却这么麻烦,小老鼠用了好多方法、工具和材料。喷绘、纽扣、雕刻、染色、折叠、胶水粘、悬挂…… |
yzy0923: 字母书
| 2014/8/1 11:15:00 |
作者通过有趣的手工制作过程,把26个字母及字母对应的,与手工相关的单词展现出来,画面色彩鲜艳,情节环环相扣,适合英语启蒙有一定基础的孩子。 |