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Oh No, Ono!(畅销书作家Hans de Beer著作)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Beer, Hans de
Category: Fiction - Animals  Farm  Bedtime  Humorous 

Barcode: 89384503

ISBN: 9780735820364
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.95
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
From the creator of the beloved Little Polar Bear comes another irresistible animal hero. Youngsters can follow Ono's adventures in ten short, simple episodes, illustrated in comic-strip style. The curious piglet's enthusiastic explorations of the farm--"which inevitably lead to disaster--"will elicit delighted laughter and the shout-out-loud refrain, "Oh no, Ono!"

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
PreSchool-Grade 2–A curious piglet races around the barnyard finding mischief in this cozy tale. Each spread presents a brief adventure about Ono: chasing a rabbit into its den and getting stuck, doing a cannonball into the pond and splashing the ducklings into the air, saving a hen's egg from a hungry fox, and inadvertently tipping a haystack onto a cow. His escapades are inevitably greeted by the repeated refrain, "Oh no, Ono." Each episode ends with a wry comment about the lesson he has learned or the friends he has made. Small panels show the action on the left-hand side, while the narrative appears on the facing page. The marriage of the art and text is integral to the book's success; the full-color illustrations complete the action that the words merely hint at. Youngsters will delight in this saucy pig's irrepressible enthusiasm for new experiences and the benign regard or testy reactions of the animals he encounters. While the pictures are too small for groups, they are perfect for one-on-one sharing and independent readers.

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遥遥 6岁深圳: 憨憨的好奇小猪     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/11/15 8:48:00
不得不承认, 国外的绘本真的是画的很逼真, Ono的每一次的神情都让你觉得是看到了他的那个样子, 很搞笑。 我家女儿很喜欢这本书, 一直吵着要要一只这样的小猪做宠物, 看完了,不停的说, Oh, no, Ono. 还要抱着Ono睡觉, 还想让我把ONO从它的家乡接过来。
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ruby: 丰富多彩情景学习     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2012/4/16 11:36:00
妈妈给我(15个月)借了一本好书看,刚拿到书,妈妈倒吸了一口凉汽,这么多文字,这么厚,图还是小图,准备试着每天读一二页,可没想到我居然很喜欢,一次看到一大半。 妈妈会用一些我知道的词或是简单一些的词替换原书,可以帮助我紧紧跟随情景故事,另外我最喜欢的书就是捣乱的书,这也是选书成功的原因。 在这个温馨的故事里,一只好奇的小猪在院子里跑来跑去的,一个劲的淘气。每一页写着小猪闹闹的一个简单历险记:追兔子追到洞里,卡住出不来;猛跳到水里把鸭鸭宝宝都濺到空中去了;帮鸡妈妈从狐狸的嘴里夺回了鸡蛋;把草堆撞到奶牛的身上等等。小猪闹闹的每一次历险都以“哦,不,闹闹”以及它所收到的教训或是交的朋友收尾。书的左页画的是小版的图片,也就是小猪闹闹的历险活动,右边是文字部分。

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含小宝儿的妈咪: 21个月,最爱封面     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/1/14 13:06:00
大概是因为最近喜欢滑滑梯,含光看封面就能看上十几分钟,说鸭子在Ono背上滑滑梯,还加上培养和动作。然后我们又一起数鸭子,one,two,three...围栏上站的是鸭子吗?含说是鸟,观察力很丰富的嘛,我还以为是鸭子呢,嘿嘿。Ono 绕了一身毛线,含也把奶奶织毛衣的线团拿出来玩,绕在自己身上。

P.S. Ono 的名字发音很好,看到大写的 O,很兴奋地告诉我这是 circle,哈哈,最近 circle 敏感期。
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福州豌豆荚分馆: 丰富有趣的故事情节     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/1/5 17:04:00
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yzy0923: 调皮的ono令人发笑     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/10/22 8:38:00
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Frisen: 好玩的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2016/10/8 14:32:00
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