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Bently & egg  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Joyce, William
Category: Fiction - Animals  Nature 

Barcode: 88746531

ISBN: 9780064433525
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 8.99
价值: ¥90
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥18,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
With a dash of whimsy and a dollop of eccentricity, this sprightly tale of a "young and musical frog who loved to draw" contains an endearing hero, amusing pandemonium and a pleasingly happy ending. The plot is deliciously impossible: asked to take care of his only friend's freshly hatched egg, Bently paints it, then watches helplessly as it is "eggnapped" by a boy who mistakes it for an Easter egg. During the daring rescue, Bently befriends a stuffed elephant and an earnest goldfish, sings charmingly, escapes in a hot-air balloon and in a toy boat, and learns that he has more friends than he realizes. The sophisticated text, full of puns and echoes of 19th-century language--"Oh, joy! Oh, rapture!" intones Bently on finding the lost egg--will appeal to adults as well as children. Joyce ( Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo ) fans will be enchanted with both the Steig-like story and the muted pastel drawings that brim with droll humor and surprises aplenty. Ages 4-8.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This children's book is exquisitely told and drawn. My almost-six year old daughter and almost-four year old son also love it. Every time I read it, I wonder why they don't make children's movies like this book. I would so much rather take my children to see this book in film version than to another Disney film. This is the kind of story children and parents can get lost in together. And I can't say enough about the illustrations--I laugh every time I see Bentley smiling down at the screaming lady from atop her easter bonnet! I give this book my highest recommendation.

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hanahaiyans: 本特利和蛋     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/8/16 10:24:00
这个活泼的故事主角是“一只喜欢画画的、年轻的音乐青蛙”,包含了一个可爱的英雄,有趣的混乱和令人愉快的欢乐结局。剧情是如此的不可思议:本特利被要求照顾他唯一一位朋友刚孵化的蛋,本特利在上面画了画,没想到一个男孩谁误以为那是一个复活节彩蛋,他只好眼睁睁看着蛋被男孩拿走。在大胆的营救过程中,本特利与毛绒大象和认真的金鱼结为好友,他唱着迷人的歌,通过热气球和玩具船逃了出来,终于他明白了其实他有比想象中更多的朋友。成熟的文字,充满了双关语和回声的19世纪的语言——“哦,欢乐!哦,狂喜!”吟诵本特利寻找丢失的蛋——将吸引成年人和儿童。乔伊斯(恐龙和他的冒险与家庭lazardo)的球迷会喜欢的steig-like故事和柔和的蜡笔画,充满滑稽幽默和惊喜俯拾皆是。年龄4 - 8。
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