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 Book Details...

The Hungry Ghost of Rue Orleans
Author:   Mary Quattlebaum
Category: Fiction - Fables 

Barcode: 81354795

ISBN: 9780375862076
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 15.99
价值: ¥96
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥22,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Who's afraid of Fred the ghost? Unfortunately, no one!

Fred the ghost is perfectly happy haunting his lonely old New Orleans house until Pierre and his daughter Marie move in and turn the house into . . . (horrors!) . . . a restaurant. They clean up his beloved dust. They fix the house's squeaks and leaks. And as much as Fred clanks and groans and haunts and moans, not one single diner is scared away. In fact, no one even notices him. Is it time for Fred to find a new home?

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
The Hungry Ghost of Rue Orleans is one of my kids' favorite new picture books. My daughter loves Fred, the frustrated but friendly ghost, and Marie, the child who helps him, while my son loves all the food - especially the crawfish flying through the air - Whoosh, Whoosh! The illustrations are gorgeous, giving a real New Orleans feel to The Hungry Ghost restaurant and making the kids want to try, along with all the real food, "Powdered Ghost Puffs." I think kids of all ages will enjoy this book because it's humorous, suspenseful and has a very sastisfying end (which not all picture books do these days.)

About the Author / 作者介绍:
Mary Quattlebaum is an award-winning children's book author. Her new picture book Pirate vs. Pirate is a "rip-roaring pirate yarn" (Booklist) about two buccaneers--a guy and a girl--who both want to be the biggest, baddest pirate in the world. School Library Journal gave it a "four-arrrrr! rating."

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