Series / 所属系列: |
Super Why!
Overview / 简介: |
Whyatt不知道如何可以让他的妹妹停止哭闹,于是超级读者进入了故事书“杰克和豆茎”去了解杰克是如何应付坏脾气的巨人. Whyatt doesn’t know how to get his cranky baby sister to stop crying, so the Super Readers fly into the story “Jack and the Beanstalk” to see how Jack deals with a very grumpy giant. This adventure includes three gatefolds with fun literacy activities! |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
This is an entertaining book for any Super Why fan. I will say that the story reads just like the show. The characters "transform" and some display their super powers. From alpha pig reciting the alphabet, princess pea spelling, to Super Y changing the words of the story. (No rhyming with wonder red) You even have to find the "super letters". Because the book is so detailed, it is a bit long for a 2 year old. (The recommendation is > 4 yo) My child, still loves for me to read it though. I frequently improvise, just because there are so many words per page and I want to keep him interested. I like that three of the pages fold out. That keeps the book interesting. It's a story about Whyatt trying to figure out why his sister keeps crying. To find the answer, the super readers "look in a book" and make a visit to "Jack in the Beanstalk". Overall, it's an enjoyable book. It's also quite educational! |
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