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The Tiny Snowflake(名作家Arthur Ginolfi著作)  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Ginolfi, Art
Category: Fiction - Nature 

Barcode: 89594193

ISBN: 9781400302055
Pages: 32
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 硬皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 7.99
价值: ¥80
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥16,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
In this endearing new book by Art Ginolfi, Lacy, the tiny snowflake, searches for her special purpose in life. Carried through a quiet, wintry night with gentle nudges from the wind, Lacy discovers that God will make us all sparkle, if we only trust His will.

Through the soft words of Art Ginolfi and warm illustrations of Louise Max, The Tiny Snowflake tells a story of hope and reassurance for hearts of all ages.

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 4 yr. old son really enjoys having this book read to him and will also sit and narrate the entire story himself just by sitting and looking at the pictures. The book has a great message- God created all of us special!

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感谢停云提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

感谢停云提供图片     --来自这本书另一个版本的图片

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金陵女院分馆: 每个人都很特别     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/3/10 20:38:00
画得很美,告诉我每个人都很特别,大家都不一样的道理。--Tim from Ginling
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