Overview / 简介: |
rade 1-3 Birdseye has an interesting story larded with perhaps a bit too much cornpone claptrap. Ora Mae Cotton of Crabapple Orchard, also known as Oreo, loses her first tooth, first from her mouth and then from under her pillow. She sets out to find who stole it, first checking with her mother about the Tooth Fairy's honesty. In tracking down the culprit she promises to ``open up a can of gotcha and send `em airmail to the moon.'' As she confronts various family members she gets some fresh interpretations of just what that Tooth Fairy might be doing with all those teeth she collects. These range from turning them into doorknobs to saving them to give to babies. Gammell's colorful pencil drawings carry out the down-home rickety flavor from the title page outhouse to the pig waller. If the country flavor is spread a bit thick, the underlying story does work. It may even add to the satisfaction when old ``motor-mouth'' Oreo finds her tooth and gets her embarrassing comeuppance. |
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
Ora Mae Cotton, who lives in Crabapple Orchard with her family, describes losing her first tooth in tangy, colorful language, full of phrases that readers will find themselves repeating: "Hey-ho-howdy," "I'll get that little diddle-do!" and "I was popcorn-in-the-pan excited." She dreams of luxury items she will buy with money from the tooth fairy, but in the morning, her tooth is goneshe believe it has been stolenand there is no cash in sight. After vows to "open up a can of gotcha" and send the tooth-thief "airmail to the moon," Ora Mae discovers that she forgot to tuck the tooth beneath her pillow. Behind this book is a likable idea, but Ora Mae's helplessness and her fairly real distress go on a bit too long. And readers will have to create their own ending, since the book concludes as Ora Mae discovers the tooth in her pocket. Ora Mae, in Gammell's pictures, is a messy, rowdy heroine; exaggerations in the illustrations (Pa shaves out back in his boxer shorts), like those in the text, either mock or pay homage to a down-home, earthy lifestyle, depending on each reader's point-of-view. Ages 4-8. |
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
I am 11 now and I still think that this is one of the greatest books I read when I was little. It is cute and I loved it I wanted my dad to read it to me over and over again. I still think that it is a good book. |



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