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Crazy Hair Day  有书评 有内页照片 有 mp3
Author:   Saltzberg, Barney
Category: Fiction - Celebrations  Humorous  School 

Barcode: 64415499

ISBN: 9780763624644
Pages: 40
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 6.99
价值: ¥70
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥14,期限为一个月


Overview / 简介:
Stanley Birdbaum couldn’t be more excited. He has rolled and wrapped and dyed his hair. He has dipped it and sprayed it and made it, well, perfect. He is ready to celebrate Crazy Hair Day at school. But when Stanley saunters up to the classroom, he learns, to his horror, that Crazy Hair Day is . . . next week. To make matters worse, today is School Picture Day, and everyone is expected to line up for the class photo! What’s Stanley to do?

"A crackerjack read-aloud with a great finish. . . . This delightful tale of confusion and compassion is just the ticket to defuse potential teasing." -- SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL

From Organization / 国外机构评价:
Kindergarten-Grade 3-A crackerjack read-aloud with a great finish. Stanley is ready for Crazy Hair Day at school. He gets up early, his mother helps him create a spiky tricolored wonder, and off he goes to discover that Crazy Hair Day is the following Friday and today is School Picture Day. After his friend Larry teases him, an embarrassed Stanley hides in the bathroom. Larry tries to talk him out in time for the picture but Stanley is afraid he'll "look like the class weirdo." Once he realizes that he wants to be in the photo, he returns to the classroom, only to find everyone with a crazy hairdo. The pencil, ink, and acrylic illustrations support the text beautifully. Although their species is not clear, the animal characters resemble aardvarkian Arthur. This delightful tale of confusion and compassion is just the ticket to prepare for special days or defuse potential teasing if someone should arrive in the right getup on the wrong day. Jody McCoy, The Bush School, Seattle, WA

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
This is a wonderful story about taking a risk that didn't pay off, at least at first. Stanley felt horrible after going all out for crazy hair day on the WRONG day. His classmates put Stanley's feelings ahead of their own embarrassment and their friendship saves the day!

About the Author / 作者介绍:
BARNEY SALTZBERG is the author-illustrator of many books for children and has also recorded two albums of music for children. When not writing and illustrating, he performs in schools, libraries, bookstores, and hospitals.

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hanahaiyans: 疯狂头发日     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/9/5 16:11:00
stanley 一早醒来,迫不及待地开始准备他的头发。妈妈帮忙给他揪了很多小辫,又用啫喱定好型,还喷上橘色和蓝色。非常完美的发型。因为今天是雄鹰小学的疯狂头发日!stanley非常得意地上学去了。结果一进教室,发现同学们都奇怪地盯着他的头发在看,继而哄堂大笑起来。他的好朋友larry告诉他,疯狂头发日在下周五,而今天是拍集体照的日子!stanley非常尴尬,躲在厕所里不肯出来。larry去叫他,他怎么也不肯。后来拍照时间到了,larry又来叫他,告诉他没有他和大家在一起一切都会不一样,大家都希望他来。stanley终于鼓足勇气走出去,结果发现,全班所有的孩子都临时做了奇怪的发型!有的用报纸,有的用书本,有的用铅笔,老师头上还顶着个地球仪!
0 顶.  
Laura: 一个都不能少,老师、同学之间可贵的感情     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2013/4/24 22:45:00
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