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Backyard Books
From Organization / 国外机构评价: |
PreSchool-Grade 3-Easy-readers that offer a virtual bug's-eye view of the world. Vivid watercolor paintings on two-page spreads depict the subject insect in its backyard habitat; most views are close-ups, with the creature juxtaposed against towering leaves of grass, weeds, flowers, etc. (Several illustrations in Ant show the worker in its underground nest.) Short sentences in large, bold type are set against a white background. The lines of text are fluid, often broken up and framed by foliage, or sometimes wings of birds and body parts of other small animals. Each book begins by asking the title question, and then addresses readers directly, outlining the insect's daily experiences (e.g., "Work hard to build a nest.-It's all right; you don't have to work alone"). The books briefly describe hatching, growth and development, outstanding physical and behavioral characteristics, diet, defense mechanisms, and natural enemies, and conclude with a reality check: "However, if your mother and father look like this-you are not a-.You are-a human child." An addendum offers miscellaneous facts. Although the texts are clearly written and well organized, not all of the terms are defined, such as "aphid," "acid," and "poison" in Ant. Still, these attractive titles will be good companion volumes for Steve Parker's It's an Ant's Life (Reader's Digest, 1999) and Amanda Harman's Grasshoppers (Grolier, 2001), both of which are more detailed and aimed at a somewhat higher reading level.
Karey Wehner, formerly at San Francisco Public Library
Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价: |
We have ordered the majority of the Backyard books for our daughter who loves science. Good explanation, fair illustrations. Has been great for preschooler, early elementary age child regarding understanding material and encouraging interest in science. Our favorites are "Are you a Ladybug" and "Are you a Butterfly" but all books have been informative and fun to read! We have even learned quite a bit as parents and one of us actually has a science background. |






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