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NICK IS SICK  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Riggs, Sandy
Category: Level Reading-1  Fiction - Phonics 

Barcode: 89045435

ISBN: 9780764132841
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 4-7, Level-1,适合亲子阅读
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Level Reading
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Reader's Clubhouse :  Barron 公司出版的,专为图书馆、学校等机构的儿童阅读绘本,被广泛应用于课堂学习阅读、学习Phonics 的精读材料。这个系列是专门训练元音的,共分两级,其中的Level-1专用于训练短元音,Level-2则专门训练长元音。Phonics 的学习中,元音才是难点,这套书最适合作为辅助材料配合 Phonics 学习。

Overview / 简介:
This is volume three, Reading Level 1, in a comprehensive program (Reading Levels 1 and 2) for beginning readers.Two nine-book sets teach reading to children from preschool to grades K and 1, emphasizing phonics while also presenting a lively and engaging collection of facts and stories to make kids’ reading experiences enjoyable. Each title emphasizes one phonics family, the first five books in each set focusing on one vowel sound, and the remaining four books combining some vowel sounds or reviewing them all. Short vowel families are covered in Level 1 readers and long vowel families in Level 2 books. Fiction titles feature attractive illustrations and have story themes ranging from funny to serious. Each fiction title also suggests a brief activity that allows kids to interact with the book’s subject matter. Nonfiction titles are photo illustrated, and include “Fun Facts” to enrich children’s reading experiences. The nonfiction books contain the basic elements of a nonfiction book, including glossary and index. They also suggest web sites appropriate to kids’ interests where more information about each book’s subject is offered. Both fiction and nonfiction titles contain word lists that group each book’s words into “decodable” words—those containing the book’s main vowel sound, which the book is either teaching or reviewing. Word lists also include high-frequency words and challenging words included in the main text. All books present a letter to parents and teachers explaining the fundamental concepts underlying both the series and the specific title. Level 1 readers are designed for classroom or home schooling use in preschool and kindergarten, and Level 2 readers for kindergarten and grade 1. “Nick is Sick” is a story that covers the “short i” sound.

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nancy: 一本学习“short i ”的书     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/11/30 16:55:00
这本书写了Nick 因生病不能去玩球,而他的球友都来探望他的故事,图片故事生动,温馨感人。英文短句朗朗上口,是初学英文的一本好书。

书中关于“short i ”的单词:Bill,gift,miss,Nick,sick,still.

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简单: 最好的礼物     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/1/8 19:42:00
什么是最好的礼物呢? 当正在生病的Nick看到同学Bill举着写有"I miss Nick"的牌子,站在他家窗外时,Nick微笑了。多么温馨的画面啊。Bill和Nick是很好的朋友,经常在一起打棒球。有一天Nick生病了,不能出去玩了。Bill很想念朋友,可是又不能去家里亲自看他。于是,Bill给Nick送去了精心准备的礼物,第一次送的是一艘帆船,第二次是一条金鱼,都是很好的礼物。最后一次的礼物是对Nick的“想念”--被认为是“the best gift”!小小的一本书,温馨而又动人的的画面告诉了孩子们朋友之间应该互相关心,互相体贴,美好的友谊带给人的是终生的财富,更是幸福的源泉。很温馨的一本小书。值得一读。
文字简单,很适合初学英语的孩子阅读。重点学习了“short i”的发音。
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小雨妈妈: 贴近孩子的生活     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/12/15 12:00:00
在借阅的同一批书中,我家儿子最喜欢这本——Nick用的体温计与自己的一样,书中的故事也是自己生活中的场景。因此这本书是读了又读,常常提出:妈妈,我要读“Nick is Sick”。
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giselle: NICK IS SICK     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/3 12:44:00
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yingbo: 学会关心同学     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/1/6 13:08:00
这本phonics的书不仅让7岁的儿子学会了新的英文表达方式,还学会了怎样在同学生病时去看望。当他念到i miss my pal时,我看到打棒球的图,还误认为是想念打棒球了,结果儿子马上给我纠正,是想念小伙伴了,我不禁汗颜。图文并茂的书可以让孩子即能读又能领会意思,而且流利的大声朗读出来,使孩子学习英语的自信和兴趣大增。
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Christine: 非常适合4-5岁孩子跟读     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/11/22 9:10:00
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小雨妈妈: 给爱科学的孩子     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2011/12/15 12:03:00
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