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Emily's First 100 Days of School  有内页照片
Author:   Wells, Rosemary
Category: Fiction - Experience  Concepts  School 

Barcode: 88759951

ISBN: 9780786813544
Pages: 64
Age / Level: 7-10, Level-4 & Up
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Picture Book
Original Price: $ 5.99
价值: ¥60
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥12,期限为一个月


From Organization / 国外机构评价:
As Wells's (My Very First Mother Goose) sparkling, ambitious book opens, EmilyAa childlike bunny who could easily be kin to Max and RubyAattends her first day of school. Her teacher, a guinea pig named Miss Cribbage, explains that every morning the class will "make a new number friend," and she promises a party when they reach 100 days. "No one believes we will ever get to one hundred days," says Emily. Wells not only counts the intervening days, she finds a context to make each numeral meaningful. On day two, for example, Emily reports that Miss Cribbage teaches the song "Tea for Two." Along the way, readers observe Emily participate in her warm family life, gain and lose a friend and learn from Miss Cribbage's imaginative lessons. Humor comes naturally (e.g., day 89: "'There are only eighty-nine calories in my tomato soup,' says Aunt Mim. 'I can't see any,' says [Emily's little brother] Leo"). Remarkably, only a few entries feel contrived (Papa claims there are 51 reasons why Emily's big sister can't go into the city with her friends; Mama says she can find 56 ways to answer "How Do I Love Thee?"). The spreads, varying from full-page art to panels, are crisp, colorful and winningly detailed, as Wells's fans have come to expect. Except for some production flawsAsuch as the misspelled "ninteen" and several stylistic inconsistenciesAthis oversize volume scores big. Ages 3-6. (May)

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
Emily is so excited to go to Kindergarten. Her teacher helps the children to count off the first 100 days of school, and every day has a number. Each page has from 1 - 4 days of school illustrated on it. Each numbered day is significant, either on a historical, cultural or kindergarten level. Future and current kindergartners and their parents will be charmed by this book. My only reservation about it is that it is 58 pages long. This is not a book that you could read in one sitting with your average 5 or 6 year-old. My recommendation would be to do it in small chunks - once a week or once a month - throughout the beginning of the school year. It has wonderful ideas of how to celebrate and enjoy the school year in small ways, including the traditions of many cultures. Not only is it a great way to count, but also a way to explore cultural diversity. Any fan of Rosemary Wells will be well satisfied with this book. If you are looking for a book that you can read in one sitting with your child, try Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day by Joseph Slate. This book is actually an alphabet book in which each student's name starts with a different letter, and there is a sentence telling what each is bringing to celebrate the 100th day.

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