Series / 所属系列: |
The Little Stories of Manoosh & Baloosh
Overview / 简介: |
Spring, summer, winter and fall- Manoosh and Baloosh enjoy them all. Join two adventurous peas as they have fun making new friends and learning about the four seasons in this gentle and enchanting tale. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Lavinia Branca Snyder has parlayed her love of children, family, travel, and world culture into the creation of Lavinia’s World, a fun and educational line of original children’s books, toys, and products, all based on three important principles: Love of Nature, Creativity and Understanding of our World.
Growing up in Italy, Lavinia loved to write children’s stories. In her early twenties she produced several works, including art books. But soon after moving to New York permanently, she left publishing to take up a financial career. In 1992, after the birth of her daughter, Ms. Branca Snyder retired from the financial world, and set off to reclaim her true passion: books. In 1999, she started on a new venture: Lavinia’s World.
Lavinia’s World is a world indeed! On her many travels Ms. Branca Snyder is inspired by the wonders of the world and those who inhabit it to create the stories and characters that populate Lavinia’s World.
Both personally and through Lavinia’s World, Ms. Branca Snyder has been a long time supporter of numerous charitable organizations active in arts funding and children's causes over the years.





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