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Barbie and the Diamond Castle: A Storybook  有书评 有内页照片
Author:   Man-Kong, Mary
Category: Fiction - Tales 

Barcode: 88014616

ISBN: 9780375875052
Pages: 24
Age / Level: 6-9, Level-3
Type & Binding: 软皮本,Story Book
Original Price: $ 3.99
价值: ¥40
逾期/临时借阅费: ¥8,期限为一个月


Series / 所属系列:
Barbie :  芭比系列,迪斯尼的可以媲美其公主系列的又一个小女孩的最爱系列

Overview / 简介:

BARBIE® AND TERESA star as best friends in the direct-to-DVD movie, Barbie™ & the Diamond Castle. In this all-new princess story, Barbie® and Teresa learn the true meaning of friendship as they set out to save the Diamond Castle from an evil muse. This 8x8 storybook, featuring beautiful full-color art from the movie, will dazzle Barbie® fans everywhere!

Foreign Customer Review / 国外客户评价:
My 5-year old daughter picked this book out at a book fair. She recently picked out Barbie Mermaid Tale at the next book fair and I will not buy it for her because Diamond Castle is so bad. Beautiful girls live together in woods, find magic heart stones, find magic mirror, set off on a journey to find Diamond Castle and save from evil, selfish muse, find puppies along the way, handsome twin musicians help the girls escape, then about 10 other random twists happen in the story. If this book was based on a movie, the author should not have followed it so well, because the book is too complex with too many twists for the book's limited number of pages and illustrations.

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lucylily: 芭比钻石城堡     --来自这本书另一个版本的评论 2010/12/10 16:47:00
芭比和泰瑞莎分别扮演莲娜(Liana)和艾莱克莎(Alexa)。这一对好朋友生长在一个充满了魔法和音乐的国度。 她们形影不离,分享生活中的一切,尤其是她们对于音乐的共同喜爱。有一天,两个女孩子在森林中漫步,无意中拾获一只魔镜。她们出于本能,将魔镜擦拭乾净,并且对着它开始歌唱。之后,神奇的事情发生了!镜中现出了一个女孩的身影。她告诉两个好朋友,她叫麦乐迪(Melody)。她原本生活在钻石城堡,那是一个音乐家园,曾经被三位音乐女神掌管着,而麦乐迪正是三位正义的女神之一。直至邪恶女神莉迪亚(Lydia)出现,妄图将钻石城堡据为己有。 为了保护自己的家园,另外两位女神将城堡的钥匙交给了麦乐迪保管。麦乐迪则将自己藏于镜中以躲避邪恶女神的攻击。可是她却无法从镜中出来了。她需要莲娜和艾莱克莎两位女孩的帮助,才能重返自己的家园。两个年轻的女孩决定踏上冒险之旅,帮助正义女神去打败邪恶的势力。友谊的力量是无比强大的。她们最终一定可以战胜邪恶,重返钻石城堡那个音乐的圣地。
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