Overview / 简介: |
After their baby sister dies, Willa Jo and Little Sister'sfamily falls apart. Their mother sinks deep into an unshakabledepression, so the two older girls are sent to live with theirstrict Aunt Patty and her husband. Since Little Sister refuses totalk, Willa Jo has to try and make things right in their new home,but she can't stop missing her mother or the life the four of themhad before Baby died. Aunt Patty is trying as hard as she can, butshe doesn't really understand what Willa Jo and Little Sister aretrying to deal with-until the morning the two girls climb up to theroof of her house, and stay there. Audrey Couloumbis's masterfuldebut novel brings to mind Karen Hesse, Katherine Paterson, andBetsy Byars's The Summer of the Swans-it is a story you willnever forget. |
About the Author / 作者介绍: |
Audrey Couloumbis was born in Illinois. She currentlylives in Queens, NY, and upstate NY with her husband. This isher first children's book. --This text refers to the Audio Cassetteedition. |